Visiting address: Rovaniemi airport, 96930 Rovaniemi
Postal address: P.O. Box 8182, 96101 Rovaniemi
Opening hours: Terminal opens 2 hours before departing flights. Closes after the last flight.
Airport manager: Johan Juujärvi
Airport Codes
IATA-code: RVN
Airport Information & Parking
Send a contact request
Information +358(0)207086506
Delayed or broken baggage
Airlines are responsible for the handling, transportation and handover of baggage. If your luggage is delayed or damaged, immediately report the matter at your airline’s service desk.
Rovaniemi Airport arrival service tel. +358 40 631 5127 / [email protected]
Did you forget something at the airport?
Inquiries after items lost at the Rovaniemi airport can be made at the Finavia information desk.
If you forgot something on the aircraft, please contact your airline.