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Flights to Gdansk commence

Article published
01.04.2014 kl 09:26
An Eurolot airplane at airport.
The first Eurolot flight from Gdansk to Helsinki Airport arrived on 31 March 2014. The passengers were received in spring sunshine.

Eurolot provides connections from the port city of Gdansk to Helsinki four times a week: on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

From these Gdansk flights, there are excellent connections to 12 Asian destinations, which also supports the position of Helsinki Airport as the leading transit airport in North Europe.

The company operates the route with Bombardier Q400 NextGen aeroplanes. The flight takes an hour.

Search for Helsinki Airport route flights    Buy flight tickets on Eurolot's website

Previous communication: New airline commences flights to Gdansk