Hoppa över navigering

ATC strike in Spain 11-12 July

Article published
09.07.2015 kl 09:17
Airplane landing.
Air traffic controllers in Spain are on a strike for three hours both days. A strike notice has also been given for 25-26 July. Finavia encourages passengers to follow their airline's communications.

The main ATC Union in Spain called for a 4 day industrial action in July for the following days:

  • 11 July 8-11 AM (local time)
  • 12 July 3-6 PM (local time)

A strike notice has also been given for 25-26 July.

ATC strike notice in Italy for 14 July has been cancelled.

Follow your airline's communications

Finavia advises passengers flying between Finland and Spain to follow their airline's communications about the possible strike effects on flights.

Real time information about Helsinki Airport's arriving and departing flights can be found from Finavia's website:

Real-time departing flights

Real-time arriving flights

Source: Eurocontrol