Finavia’s ability to promote the competitiveness and mobility of Finnish society relies on motivated personnel who feel well and happy at work. Developing wellbeing at work and extending working careers are ongoing goals for Finavia.
We also work to ensure non-discriminatory treatment and equal pay for our employees. Moreover, we are comprehensively developing the service, professional and management competence of our personnel.
Work wellbeing at Finavia
We promote all aspects of wellbeing at work in cooperation with occupational health care and our expert partners. Close cooperation with health care experts and health surveys conducted among staff members help Finavia to pay attention to issues impacting work capacity and wellbeing at work. We take workload seriously so that we can reduce sickness absenteeism and support our personnel to cope with their work.
- Read more about how we promote wellbeing at work in our responsibility report
Equality and fairness
We aim to remain a good place to work for people of all ages and genders. We seek to promote equality by balancing the gender distribution in individual units whenever possible, enabling work-life balance and helping our ageing employees to cope with their work.
The company’s personnel policy, ethical principles and equality plan, which are updated annually, are the documents that guide workplace equality at Finavia. In the equality plan, the company and the personnel representatives jointly set out the goals for an equality policy.
Continuous equality work is an essential part of the promotion of wellbeing at work at Finavia and the implementation of the company’s values. We actively monitor our pay policy and gender distribution to ensure that they are on a fair and equal basis. We also work to ensure a non-discriminatory treatment of all job applicants.
- Read more about equality work at Finavia in our responsibility report
Personnel development
We aim to comprehensively develop the service, professional and management competence of our personnel. Ensuring a positive customer experience is a strategic goal for Finavia, and therefore we are continuously developing the skills and competence of our personnel so that they can provide the best possible service. Emphasising customer satisfaction is essential for ensuring personnel commitment to Finavia’s strategy, the aim of which is to make sure the sum of good things enabled by our operations becomes a reality.
- Read more about personnel development in our responsibility report
- Read about Finavia’s staff exchange programme with Beijing Airport