Visiting address: Lentokentäntie 290, 99800 Ivalo
Opening hours: Terminal is open every day according to the flight schedules. The airport opens two hours before the first departure.
Airport manager: Jarmo Pyhäjärvi
Airport Codes
IATA-koodi: IVL
ICAO-koodi: EFIV
Airport Information & Parking
Send a contact request
Information +358(0)20 708 8610
Delayed or broken baggage
Airlines are responsible for the handling, transportation and handover of baggage. If your luggage is delayed or damaged, immediately report the matter at your airline’s service desk.
Check-in and delayed/broken baggage: RTG Ground Handling Oy tel. 020 708 8613
All inquiries concerning baggage must be submitted to the airline. For contact information and instructions, visit your airline’s website.