Traffic statistics

Finavia regularly publishes figures for passengers, landings and freight and mail volumes. Information on flights is obtained from Air Traffic Control whilst information relating to passenger, cargo and postal volumes for specific airlines is obtained from the forwarding companies at the airports.

A traffic database was set up in 1997 as a basis for traffic statistics. Previously statistics had been based on the figures from each individual airport and its statistical procedures.

Basic statistics are published monthly. These figures cover the passenger, operational and freight volumes. The statistics are presented for the latest complete month and cumulatively from the beginning of the year. Changes as percentages are also presented besides the actual volumes achieved.

Traffic statistics are presented in excel form. When using this data, please mention source of the information: Finavia Corp.

Key Figures 2024


Total passengers at Finavia’s airports19,579,854 (+7.1%)18,288,146
  • Helsinki Airport
16,308,814 (+6.5%)15,313,482
  • Regional airports
3,271,040 (+10.0%)2,974,664
Transfer passengers at Helsinki Airport departing on international flights2,078,350 (+5.1%)1,976,913
Total freight volume at Finavia’s airports (tonnes)184,647 (+5.0%)175,857
  • Helsinki Airport
182,348 (+5.7%)172,577
  • Regional airports
2,299 (-29,9%)3,280
Total number of commercial flights at Finavia’s airports193,170 (+7.3%)179,960
  • Helsinki Airport
150,080 (+8.3%)138,628
  • Regional airports
43,090 (+4.3%)41,332

Traffic statistics 2024

Air traffic passenger statistics (Excel)

Flight volume statistics; landings and take offs (Excel)

Cargo (Excel)

Get familiar with the definitions:

"Passengers" refers to arriving, departing and transfer passengers. The passenger statistics do not include the airplane's crew, infants or transit passengers that do not change airplanes.

Domestic passengers
A domestic passenger departs from an airport in Finland and arrives at another airport in Finland. The nationality of passengers is not recorded.

International passengers
An international passenger arrives at a Finnish airport from abroad or departs from a Finnish airport to a foreign airport. The nationality of passengers is not recorded.

Transfer passengers
A transfer passenger arrives at a Finnish airport by airplane, changes to another airplane, and continues their journey by air.

Scheduled traffic passenger
A passenger who travels on a regularly scheduled flight operated by an airline.

Transit passenger
A passenger whose flight makes a stopover without the passenger leaving the airplane.

Charter traffic passenger
A passenger who flies on a chartered flight.

Commercial aviation
Commercial aviation is commercial air traffic, in which passengers, freight or mail are transported in exchange for a fee or rent. Commercial traffic includes regular airline service, charter and air taxi traffic. Commercial aviation does not include general aviation, training or military flights.