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Instagram and VK: Helsinki Airport's new social media channels

Article published
28.03.2014 kl 13:15
As the airport is being renewed, Helsinki Airport's presence on social media is also increasing.

Helsinki Airport is involved in two new social media channels: Instagram, a photo and video sharing service, and VK, a favourite social media network of Russian passengers.

Did you know that Russians are the third largest customer group at Helsinki Airport?

VK is one of the leading social media channels in Russia and can be compared to Facebook, for example. On the VK page of Helsinki Airport, users are provided with information, photos and feelings about the airport in Russian.

Helsinki Airport on VK

Instagram is another new step for the airport; the service is increasingly popular globally, and in Finland, too.

On Instagram you can see photos of the hustle and bustle at Helsinki Airport and sometimes you will also get to look "behind the scenes".

Helsinki Airport on Instagram

"In all our social media channels, the main thing is that we establish direct dialogue with passengers and are capable of serving them prior to their trip", says Finavia's communication specialist Markus Haapamäki.

In 2012, Helsinki Airport won the "Best Airport in Social Media" series in an international competition by Simpliflying.